Tuesday 8 November 2011

Toy Story - Director References towards his favourite film.

Lee Unkrich, Director of Toy Story 3 makes references towards his favourite films 'The Shining' in all 3 films. Although these are very small references, those who are typically old enough to have seen the show may find themselves feeling 'special mentioned' for understanding the references. It's almost a way of the director telling the non-children audience that adults too can watch Toy Story and they have their own personal side references, not to mention a few sexual innuendos embedded throughout the films. These are just ways of keeping the 'grown ups' entertained as they watch the film with their children. It immediately attracts attention as they feel 'included' to also watch the film.

The numbers 237 are famously the numbers of the hotel room in the film 'The shining' and can be seen on Andys Laptop

Another nod to The Shining, Sid's garbage truck features a license plate that references Room 237. 

Both are references to room 237, the room Danny is told never to enter.

Both images show a very similar carpet. The left being the Shining and the right being Toy Story. Obviously.

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